How To Make This Your Best Year Yet

The start of every year is a great time to start fresh and re-assess what's most important in life. Way too many of us spend way too much of our time investing in the wrong things, neglecting the good things, and stopping short of where God wants to take us. To find out more about how to overcome this, and make this your best year yet, check out this message from Elan Church.


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Have you been searching around for churches in Naperville, IL. RSVP online and check out Elan Church for a Sunday Church Service in Naperville this coming weekend.

Looking for an online church service or online church services? Check out to find out more and plan your visit today.

Want to connect with Pastor Max Lyons or Juliet Lyons? Find out more about Pastors Max and Juliet Lyons at


Also, check out the following if you are looking for churches in Chicago, churches in Plainfield, IL, or churches in Aurora, IL. And remember that not everyone who’s part of Elan lives in Naperville. Many of the people who call Elan Church home live in surrounding areas, such as Oswego, Downers Grove, Bolingbrook, and Wheaton. If you live in Chicagoland, Elan Church is for you!


There Are No Shortcuts


Christmas At Elan Church (2022)