Easter At Elan Church in Naperville, IL

If you are looking for an Easter service in Naperville, IL or an Easter service in Chicago, check out elan.church/easter. Elan Church is a nondenominational church in Naperville, IL with a passion to worship Jesus and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth.

Also, feel free to check out the Elan Church social links page to find your next step.


If you live in Plainfield, Aurora, Bolingbrook, Wheaton, Chicago, Oswego, St. Charles, or another area in the western suburbs of Chicagoland, then plan your visit to Elan Church in Naperville. And if you live outside the area, check out one of the upcoming online services on Sunday mornings.


Also, check out the following if you are interested in Christmas at Elan Church.


Can I be a better steward of the life God has given me?


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